Hey, guys! Great show at The Local, Nashville, September 30, 2018!
Please forward to the other band members.
To VIEW, select the first image and scroll through or select slideshow in upper-right of screen. (No slideshow for mobile device.)
These photos are available for you to DOWNLOAD ay 90% resolution and use as you wish. (Please give photo credit to Barb Jones Photography or tag in social media.) Enjoy!
To download on a computer, enlarge the photo and point to the upper-left corner of the image for the menu to appear.
To download on a mobile device,select one image and go to the menu icon at the top right of the screen.
These are at about 90% resolution and fine for online use. If you want anything better or for print, let me know and I will give you full res and printing rights.
While you are on the website, go to the HOME page and VIEW PORTFOLIOS. Take a look at the Music Artists portfolio. And, as always, I would appreciate any referrals! Thanks! - Barb Jones
© Barb Jones Photography, Nashville, TN